Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Surveillance of the watchmen: analytics of mediatization and newsworthiness 173 and journalistic context. From the point of view of the contents, the event emphasizes the military intervention that took place in 2018. In both situations, the militarized presence on the streets was evoked by the authorities, as being capable of pro- ducing a “sense of security for the population” with the expected media collaboration. It was an ostensive practice of exposing professional security guards, trained to fight enemies. In this re - gard, many summoned that the surveillance of compatriots did not correspond to the constitutional purpose of the Armed Forc- es. Otherwise, the return of military personnel to state control can be understood as the visible face of the institutional crisis of the surveillance regime. From the point of view of the processes, the same event determines to ask: what has been gained from the propaganda of military activity in the metropolis of Rio Ja- neiro, a world-symbol of the Brazilian nationality? Arguments are still being sought for the issue, and the event of the interven- tion raises strong questions about its causal links. The World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 took place in an atmosphere of absolute security, an aspect endorsed by the international media coverage. What happened in the course of a year? What serious events called for the return of the National Force to the city for a long and wide action of elev- en months? Such questions call for clarifications that, however, were not provided by the responsible authorities, with the col- lusion of democratic institutions with a legitimate mandate at the polls. References BOLIN, G.; JERSLEY, A. Editorial. Surveillance through media, by media, in media. Northern Lights , Bristol, v. 16, 2018. Available at: lights-film-media-studies -yearbook. Access on Apr. 10, 2019. DALMOLIN, A. R.; SILVEIRA, A. C. M. Um abismo vigiado: segu- rança e soberania no discurso jornalístico televisual so- bre fronteiras na Amazônia. The International Journal