Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Ana Paula da Rosa 178 (HJARVARD, MORTENSEN, 2015), new dynamics are founded and updated, including those related to human storytelling. Keywords: Mediatization. Image. Circulation. 1. The “I and the others” is a way of devising the world When talking about image, we talk about something that is initially fugacious - conceptually, materially. The image ap- pears to us as the representation of something, materialization of some idea, but, more than that, it is a constituent of man from the moment his creative capacity is manifested through images. Thoughts occur through images. Kamper (2016) highlights that there is no other way of thinking than via images and, therefore, the attempt to deny them is always unable to achieve its feat. The more one wants the end of images, the more they are mentally produced. However, it is not only this mental image that inter- ests us; our gaze turns to media images . These specific images, so unique, that also supply our iconographic repertoire every day, whether on the covers of newspapers, printed in magazines, or even on our bright and colorful screens of games and cell phones. We are talking about images that form a set that is a media imaginary. This imaginary is not only built of photo- graphs, videos, and memes, but also of comments, headlines that show positions, expressions that operate meanings and, togeth- er, compose images. But they are not simple drawings, figures, engravings; they are images that carry, in them, positions, po- larizations, layers of light, and shadows that exceed the time of events. In this case, take the idea of ​the expression “Muslim” as an example. Assuredly, an image of what a Muslim 2 is has come to mind, whether by the 6 pm soap opera 3 , or by the news cover- 2 When researching Islamic literature, the concept of Muslim also appears in dis- pute for meanings. For Al-Khazraji (2014), the “Muslim is one who, freely and spontaneously, embraces Islam and submits to God, adopting Islam as his faith and practice. Muslim is not a people or race. One should not confuse Arab (the people) with Muslim”. 3 In 2019, TV Glob o (Brazil) broadcasted a soap opera called “Órfãos da Terra” (Earth Orphans), i n which the plot tackled the life of Syrian refugees in Brazil. (Retrieved from: Terra. Access on F ebruary 04, 2021.