Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Image in circulation: shattering of the gaze and memory 181 visible, today, pass through, at least, two significant instances, different from the idea of ​the racial subject of the slave trade, brought by Mbembe, but which also result in restrictive media imaginary and loss of subject’s image rights. Among these in- stances, we can say that the storytelling is not centralized; this implies diverse constructions. We could assume, then, that ac- cess to the narration space of the world, the creation of poten- tial images, eliminates the “effect of black reason”. However, on the contrary, we see that the diversity of offerings in produc- tion does not mean the plurality of meaning offer in circulation. Fausto Neto (2013) always warns that the gaps in the produc- tion of meaning remain because they are not solved by access to the discursive space nor technology. The second instance, which relates to storytelling the world, is linked to what ceases to ex- ist. For Mbembe, if there is a historical disappearance that is not recoverable because much is on the subject’s orality that was erased as such, in the society in mediatization, the subjects as- cend to the space of media, assuming the condition of existence, but this becomes a condition limited by other filters and flows that are also independent of the subject’s will. It can be erased by other - more pertinent - images, it can simply be involved in commercial logics of apparatus, or completely lose the right over its image, since and when it enters the circulation (ROSA, 2016a), no longer belonging to the subject, but to the flow. This is the situation that we will see in our case of mediatized research. 2. The case of mediatized research: approaching the unthinkable to see on the threshold In this work, we developed a case of mediatized re- search. That is, we have chosen to activate the theoretical per- spective from the mobilization of empiricism, therefore, from the configuration of case. It has been an identity trait of the re - searchers who integrate the Research Line Mediatization and Social Processes at UNISINOS, both in training and ongoing re- search, the case of this text that articulates with post-doctoral internship work developed at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) under the supervision of Prof. Fernando Resende. Having