Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Ana Paula da Rosa 184 We observed that the commotion was amplified be - cause it is not the immigration crisis, but a child, the faceless child, the child who carries all the other children - the past and the future ones. Kurdi is a portrait of childhood, of precarious life, but one worth seeing (BUTLER, 2017) because it is a body that recalls the importance of life. The boy is a little martyr, re- ceives homage, continues to appear cyclically in Facebook posts attributed to an unknown person, including as a loan (without citing the source) of a post made on his memory by Noam Chom- sky. In this post, Kurdi disappears. Strangely, he does not disap- pear from circulation. Figure 01 - Post alluding to the disappearance of the debate about Kurdi Retrieved from: Facebook.