Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Ana Paula da Rosa 188 Vinicius in life bring two important impressions. The first is of the student, and in the second one, he already appears in the “frame” as a young “criminal”: cap turned back, shirtless, eyes squeezed. This image was used to create fake news, that is, to circulate constructions that strained Marcos Vinicius’ place as a youngster on his way to school and put him on the path of drug trafficking. Both images have been verified and proven to be montages. Figure 06 - Montage associated with trafficking Retrieved from: Checamos – AFP. It shows that, in this situation, there is an operation to produce strained images that try to question the place of the first one, which disappears from circulation. In the absence of an image of the fact, there is an attempt, on the part of the family, classmates, and non-media institutions, to activate mediatiza- tion logics to circulate a counter-image to face the images that journalism, critics, and social actors build on a discourse that