Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Ana Paula da Rosa 192 is not enough; it is necessary to narrate, to recover his data. The 14-year-old appears, his injured body replaced by a bloodstained shirt. The school uniform represents the body of a teenager who mixes with so many others who became statistics. However, when Marcos Vinicius is mentioned with the hashtag Present, like Mari- ele Franco, he stops being just a T-shirt and becomes a guy with a name, family, friends, integrates a symbolic network of quiet voices. However, he is a subject without a body, prevented from having his image in circulation and, nevertheless, is permeated by the dispute of meanings of doubt. His image is personalized and non-transferable, and there is no way to give him other contours and features. Although other young people from the favela see themselves represented in him, there is no way to produce the in- tegration of the splinters; thus, the effect is momentary, it tends to have the durability of the news, and his remembrance turns into a milestone date, typical of journalistic work until another broad, and more relevant fact occupies the space. The image of the young boy murdered in the favela is not contemplative; it is inclusive because it results from a pro- cess inwhichwe are all part. Thus, there is no afterlife for Marcos Vinicius’ image, but its complete erasure frommemory, although a good part of his images is accessible with a click. There is no intention of storytelling about the favela because that would im- ply refounding an already created imaginary. The case exposed here shows its maintenance. When the image of the student is not recognized, therefore, it is less valued in circulation; we are faced with a tacit (symbolic) power that installs, determining those who are not “subjetc to mourning”. 5. The dynamics of the mediatization of conflict: between the life that does not deserve to live and the life that does not deserve to be seen This article tries to approach authors who, to some ex- tent, bring the issues of power and death as central to under- standing life. Norbert Elias, in The loneliness of the dying (2001), reflects on death in the West and how it is linked to the notion of image since we have an attitude towards death and an image of