Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

199 Trajectories of coronavirus and interpenetrations of social discourses Antônio Fausto Neto 1 Abstract: The spread of Covid-19 in Brazil is done through the intertwining of social discourses – political, sanitary, legal, and mediatized – according to engendered strategies within the scope of circulation. Some operations of production of meaning are described which, in addition to dynamizing the trajectory of the virus in the social organization, offer intelligibility about its existence and manifestations, according to “grammars” and log- ics of different discursive practices. Attention is drawn to the ef- fects of the interpenetration of different institutions in the com- bat against the virus, emerging at least two types of discourses: one that calls for knowledge collaboration to fight the virus, and another, based on a different logic, by excluding discourses-in- cooperation, even the tentative interactions, according to the demand of social actors and their logics. Keywords: Covid-19. Circulation. Discourses in dispute. Effects of meanings. 1. Introduction The first version of this article contemplated a discus - sion on the transformations of political discourse, especially the enunciated speeches of the current president since his inaugu- ration to addressing manifestations during the first 18 months of government. We emphasized aspects of the mediatization of 1 Full Professor PPGCC UNISINOS and researcher at CNPQ. ORCID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-5952-3880. E-mail: