Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Trajectories of coronavirus and interpenetrations of social discourses 201 ing effects. The field and modalities of media discourses not only functioned as input suppliers for the political discourse but also offered possibilities for their broadcast and circulation. Never- theless, in posterior terms, it can be observed that the dynamics of the mediatization in progress have resulted in effects caused by complex feedbacks. Among them, the weakening of discourse producing and/or co-mediating structures as they become di- rectly weaved by the actors, through the intensive use of other technologies transformed into media, as is the case with the dig- ital networks. It is a more recent phase, whose manifestations materialized in the presidential campaigns or in the communi- cation policies of the elected presidents, who put themselves in direct contact with their followers or potential voters (FAUSTO NETO et al., 2012). Political actors, due to the emergence of net- works and their potential, abandoned old narratives and, ad- vised from “advisers”, opted for the personal management and direct contact with technologies, in some cases monitored by new instructors, like in the case of the “ digital influencers.” Still, in the territory of the effects of these complex feedbacks, we can say that one of the consequences of mediatization is the weak- ening of the vitality of mediation operations in social fields, with the rise of new techno-communication practices, whose dynam- ics of an interpenetrating character engender meanings that weave and feed new interactional processes, in the context of a new landscape of meaning production. Such dynamics are, in a way, reflected throughout Luhmann’s (2008) work, when ex - amining the functioning of social practices around the coupling of different systems, a scenario in which the communicative di- mension, its means, and operators, assume a new role (FAUSTO NETO, 2015). Put in contact according to different logics, the dis- courses that are enunciated there point to scenarios and marks of meanings in production, highlighting bundles of differences, many of them in a situation of a collision or, in some circum- stances, cooperation. They are permeated by dynamics that are centered on strategies whose relations are established through the logics of belligerence, disputes, but also by the potential for convergent interaction. Aspects related to the mediatization in process are manifested differently about social discourses (including po-