Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Antônio Fausto Neto 202 litical discourse), their production processes, and the relation- ships between them. Occasionally, in 2020, the outbreak of coronavirus in Brazil stands out and manifests itself through interweaving discourses (political, medical-sanitary, legal, and mediatized), through dynamics that allow couplings involving their singularities and disputes of points of view. Our initial ob- ject transforms as the political discourse starts to be enunciated according to new conditions of production; this time, in dynam- ics of interpenetration with other discourses, from where their combat strategies start to manifest in clashes with other discur- sive practices of meanings. Discourses start to operate in this context of mediatization, and their ‘grammars’ are employed to bring together several kinds of discourses whose marks try to explain their objectives and differences when placed in a situ- ation of interpenetration and circulation. It is in the sphere of strategies that they are engendered and put into operation and manifest their singularities and pretensions, whose intentions are specified in operations of meanings under construction. Political discourse enters another path, and, under these condi- tions, it starts to be analyzed, in the context of this article, in a scenario of coupling with other discursive manifestations. The outbreak of the coronavirus and the dynamics of its spreading are the preconditions that unfold the entry into the scene of operations of the four types of discourses mentioned here, particularly the political discourse. They circulate accord- ing to different ‘grammars’ that are inherent to the foundations of their existence, origins, and expectations of the very prac- tices that use them to insert themselves in the interpenetrating ambiance of disputes of meaning. However, it is not a matter of juxtaposition couplings and homogeneous articulations; if we consider that the production of meanings takes place around the work of ‘bundles of relations’ generated around different strategies, operations, and rationalities. In the past, the social fields articulated around interactional processes in which the ones of a media nature had a particular role in the management and thematization of these processes. In current times, the sig- nificant material raised by mediatization (FAUSTO NETO, 2016) permeates the discourses of the different social systems com- plexly, in such a way that logics and media operations start to