Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Trajectories of coronavirus and interpenetrations of social discourses 203 constitute ‘raw material’ for different processes of discursive production/circulation. Our objective is to describe aspects of modalities of the four types of discourses that are enunciated differently, but that, when contacted, also highlight, and mix their specificities. They point out the “place of speech” of their different matrices, but also the clues that indicate possibilities for cooperation and conflict. The manifestation of the virus and the echoes of its circulation raise forms of intervention through which the dis- courses analyzed with it establish a bond. The medical-sanitary discourse puts in place its instructions for containing the virus. They are inspired by the epidemiological traditions that contem- plate fight to it through strategies aimed at inhibiting contact between social actors, as well as their circulation conditions, imposing isolation practices, alongside hospital therapies. The media discourse acts as an instance that does the didactic man- agement and corresponds to the sanitary discourse, insofar as it stands out for its discursive strategies that aim to offer preven- tion instructions against the virus and are transmitted in broad radialities and through intensive enunciative protocols. The political discourse, when showing itself, as we shall see, in divergence with the tactics and strategies of the medical-sanitary field, fights its fundamentals, since its theses converge with the logics of economic-commercial production which are at odds with inhibition measures to the population mobility, especially those that affect consumption. From the perspective of the political discourse, we highlight its concern that seeks, at the same time, despite its alliance with the log- ics of economic agents and markets, not to lose the company of the actors of the political market, especially of the followers of the president. Therefore, its appeals converge to two focuses: to ensure the functioning of the economy, and to act on the forms of contact that make it impossible for the population to adhere to the medical-sanitary appeals, since, according to the political discourse, the speech of a medical-sanitary nature puts aspects of governance itself at risk. Inevitable meaning effects generated by interdiscursive disputes (as we will see ahead) cause strate- gies from the legal discourse to enter the scene, in an attempt to make forms of regulation of actions possible in conflicts in