Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Trajectories of coronavirus and interpenetrations of social discourses 207 the pandemic. Other institutions, like primary schools, cultural centers, associative entities, etcetera, have expanded and diver- sified their programmatic routines, introducing content about COVID-19. An immense production of imagery was also seen on television, radio, and other media studios, widening, and di- versifying their messages, as spaces converted to problems that went beyond media routines. It can be said, in a way, that many of the media, due to the conjuncture strength, were transformed into spaces for an emerging pedagogical conversation. In these conditions of continuous mediatization pro- cesses, different media were transformed. At the same time, at school, on the street, in the square, in the doctor’s office, at the service station, etcetera, an “architectural-communicational” conformation emerged that only could be constituted in times of crisis, allowing that not only specialists but all types of social ac- tors, of different ages and origins, could enunciatively build their coronavirus. Even in the most distant peripheries and cultural circuits, communicational practices of popular origin adopted the Covid-19 as the theme of their discourse. Poets and declaim- ers from the cordel leaflets, authors of the old and new sueltos pliegos (sold at popular fairs), circulated in markets made up of agricultural populations leaflets reporting in poetry the “ coro- navirus”, containing instructions on the virus and how to fight it. Many of these pamphlets called attention to the nature of some of the uttered discourses, such as those dealing with the coro- navirus theme, according to different imagery marks. Distinct branches of knowledge were projected onto these communi- cation supports, such as the case of a professional nurse who mixed different “reading contracts” to enunciate, in the context of oral culture or literature, in verses, the discursive construc- tions about the coronavirus (Coronavirus in Cordel - Anna Kar- olynne, poet and nurse). If the virus circulated in the socio-biological tissue, constructions about its way of being were disputed in the combi- nation and articulation of several types of discourses, involving health, cultural, legal, and media knowledge, political, popular, etcetera. Possibly, an act that called attention to transformations that involved not only the media but also their performance in themediatization environment, interfering in another way in the