Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Trajectories of coronavirus and interpenetrations of social discourses 213 about relaxing the isolation. Right now, nobody is thinking about making anything flexible. There is a guideline ready, a starting point, but you cannot start a social liberation when you have a curve in clear ascendancy” (EL PAÍS, 04/30/2020). 4.3. “I am the comm der” In the strategy of antagonizing positions of instances in- serted in cooperation and convergence with the contention the- ses (such as those of the press and sanitary), the president asked one of his targets: “Isn’t health life? Why are gyms closed?” (EM, 05/08/2020). In his escalation against the containment mea- sures, he announced that he would include gyms, beauty salons, and barbershops as essential services, claiming that the three activities were essential for maintaining health. Despite the min- ister of health, the president issued a decree announcing these measures, taking him by surprise (ESP, 11/05/2020). On the eve of the fall of the second minister of health, the president indi- rectly announced, through a declaration, that the departure was about to be completed: “If it were up to me, everything was open with vertical isolation, and that was it. The Federal Government was never an obstacle [...]” (FSP, 05/14/2020). Still on the same day, in another message, he pointed out causes and suggested taking a new step to remove the minister: “I am demanding the issue of chloroquine now too. If the Federal Council of Medicine decides that it can use chloroquine from the first symptoms, why will the Federal Government, via the minister of health, say that this will only happen in a serious case? I am the commander, President of the Republic, to decide when to come to any minis- ter and say what is happening. And this is the rule, the north is this [...]. I am not extrapolating any minister, I never did that, nor interfering in any ministry, as I never did. Now they voted for me to decide. And that chloroquine decision passes through me [...] Everything is fine with the minister of health [...]. I believe in his work, but we will resolve this issue” (TERRA, 05/14/2020). Days after resigning, the second minister of health, when bid- ding farewell to the post, alluded to the divergences of concep- tions between himand the president, confirming the importance of methodologies that valued knowledge in cooperation and the