Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Trajectories of coronavirus and interpenetrations of social discourses 215 of information of public interest (on the occurrence of cases of coronavirus in the country), attempts were made to modify treatment methodologies and the circulation of data on the spread of the virus. However, in face of the reaction of sectors of society, concerned with the possibility of data manipulation on the occurrence of cases, a decision taken by the Supreme Federal Court determined that procedures current until then should be used again. The effects of this ‘deviation’ were not more promi- nent because a ‘media consortium’ started to take care of the production and daily dissemination of public information about the data, something that remains today. 6. Conclusions At the end of this brief descriptive-analytical path, we draw attention to the fact that Covid-19 carried out various kinds of trajectories, which dealt with several levels of observa- tion and discourse production. The first level referred to the pro - duction of epistemological models whose references supported guidelines and levels of procedures’ application by the health field itself. As a second observational level, instances of systems mediation stood out (such as health, media, educational, legal, etcetera) and operated as producers of reports, offering intel- ligibility which have put knowledge into circulation, functioning as species of “reader-mediators” - as is the case of the media - of the references generated by the first level, and which turned to the broader social fabric. The third level of observation would be attributed to the observational work of the academic field on the strategies that link, in analytical and interpretative terms, the references produced by both previous levels. We are at this third level of observation, by proposing to study the operations of meanings that tried to describe the virus’ trajectories through discursive strategies put into practice by each of these systems, but also by their interpenetrations. It means that we examined the work of these systems, as a set of ‘systems-producers <> readers’ that sought to name the exis- tence of Covid-19, according to matrices contacted via discur- sive practices. This observation process could be complexified,