Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Antônio Fausto Neto 216 including, for example, observations on discourses enunciated by social actors, as members of collectives that constituted the broad social fabric. Not having been the subject of this work, it is worth remembering, however, that speeches that emerged from social actors outcropped in some discourses that were produced by statements from other systems, as analyzed here. They were recovered by observational processes from the extraction of utterances from the discourses made by differ- ent systems and from which we recovered the ‘tentative rise’ of the social actor’s speech. This appeared in the interpenetrating architecture of discourses about the coronavirus, particularly those stated by the political system. At some point, he treated the social actors as unspecified collectives, to whom he sent ar- gumentative discourses to persuade them, etcetera. In others, he named them as ‘president’s inspectors’, urging them to inspect health services like hospitals. However, they were words of ex- hortation, whose speeches did not open space to receive, while listening, demands and requests coming from the actors’ voice. If the corona made its trajectories “tracked” by social discourses, the discourse trajectories were affected by institu- tional, symbolic clashes, etcetera, but also by interactional dis- ruptions, circumstances in which they manifested records about society’s refusals to developwalks in convergencewith the logics and optics of the ‘combat discourse’. A tentative voice emerged within the framework of the device in which only the follow- ers would have access to the president, for a ritual of greeting the commander. Escaping the surveillance of the “Cercadinho do Palácio”, a former militant of a Bolsonaro movement, sought face-to-face contact with the president and, in the face of the se- curity guards and admirers, addressed the message: “I am here making posters only with numbers for you to see. Because there are not 38 thousand statistics, 38 thousand families are dying at the moment. There are 38,000 people who are crying,” said the woman. “I came here with all my heart. I feel that you have betrayed the population. The population dying and you ignor- ing me. [...]” (YOUTUBENOTICIAS, 10/06/20). Keeping distance from the woman, the president signaled the strain produced by the nature of the contact as an event distinct from the ephem- eris of the followers’ greetings. And, in response, he not only