Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Mario Carlón 242 ply and demand took hold in the business world. It was a period of powerful convergence, also marked by the advent and the definitive installation of tele - vision (2001, p. 134). In the passage from the seventies to the eighties, and in particular in the eighties, that is, in full postmodernity, the trans- formation would begin - management and marketing crisis , de- spite the latter expanding into politics (because politics begins to reveal its crisis of legitimacy); the advertising crisis, that had been a symptomof convergence as an articulator between the common meta-space (the economy) and the social, which was evidenced by a progressive crisis of the brands; the crisis of a mass medium - the graphic press - inseparable from the origin and consolidation of the democratic system (in addition to the Nation-State). What is the reason for this story, what are its foun- dations? One of them is his vision of mediatization: Contrary to many prophecies […] that were for- mulated before the emergence of so-called ‘mass’ communication technologies, the technological supports whose emergence have made possible different modalities of collective communication, tend, in the long term, to accentuate the gap and not to reduce it […] to increase the complexity of circulation […] The multiplication […] of techno- logical supports […] that allow the diffusion of the same messages throughout society makes society more complex […] the more the society is media- tized, the more complex it becomes (VERÓN, 2001, p. 130). The other, as he points out, that is “much more dif- ficult to visualize,” is the “change of social actors” (VERÓN, 2001, p. 136). And among the different social actors that gener- ate change, there is one that stands out: the individual. In the first period, “the couple brand/loyal consumer symbolically expressed convergence” (ibid., p. 136). The crisis begins again in the late 1970s and early 1980s and is confirmed in the early 1990s when