Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Individuals, collectives, and polarization in the unstable situation caused by mediatization and... 251 We provide two examples, developed within the frame- work of the so-called “populism” that characterized Latin-Amer- ican political history in recent decades and had a relevant cycle in power since the beginning of the 21st century 12 . The first is a movement that we have studied at a key-moment of its mediatiza- tion, one that has promoted the Voting of the Equal Marriage Law in Argentina (CARLÓN, 2012). This movement was supported by Kirchnerism, then in power, given that the President was Cristina Fernández de Kirchner 13 . It based its argument on the principle of equality . Until then, Kirchnerismhad occupied a very important place in the human rights issues, particularly in the reopening of the trials of the repressive military of the Dictatorship, but less relevant in gender issues. But the support for that initiative, which was consistent with its center-left position, allowed it to build a strong bond with diverse gender minorities who base their de- mands on that same right 14 15 . A bond that extended on time. the time more than the right; for that reason, it expects too much. It demands not only equality in the starting conditions, but also the results, that is, not only freedom but also equality. The right is content if politics is limited to maintain- ing the rules of the game and has an idea of ​the common good that is closer to mere aggregation of individual interests; it is more procedural and satisfied if politics guarantees limits and possibilities, while the concrete result (in terms of inequality, for example) is indifferent to it; at the most, it will accept the cor- rections of a ‘compassionate capitalism’ to mitigate some intolerable situations” (INNERARITY, 2017, p. 251). Comment: “To expect too long” is a comment that, formulated in this way, we do not share. 12 That cycle culminated in countries such as Argentina and Brazil with the tri- umphs of Mauricio Macri (2015-1019) and Jair Bolsonaro (2019-) but, since the triumph of Alberto Fernández (2019), it is currently in recovery. 13 To support that Law, it was the only time that former President Néstor Kirchner, at that time a Deputy, attended a session of the Legislative Chamber. 14 Even without forcing things too much, we can add more social groups to the center-left space based on the principle of equality. For example, environmental movements, which adopt, according to Maristella Svampa (2018), the form of anti-capitalist and ecological transition narratives, implicitly uphold the principle of equality between culture and nature by defending, like non-anthropocentric theoretical movements, biodiversity. Behind these movements lies, as in non-an- thropocentric theories, resistance to modern anthropocentrism. It is considered that this separation between the human and nature, installed by philosophical movements such as those that rely on the Cartesian cogito ergo sum, is part of the problem, that is, of the constitution of an increasingly less sustainable capitalism. Indeed, center-left movements, when for other types of political reasons (for ex- ample, territorial), do not assume environmentalist positions and play in favor of mega-mining or agribusiness, are not without internal strains. 15 Resistances to this modernism, that appear behind concepts such as “end of the