Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Mario Carlón 252 The second example is even more interesting because it shows that these principles act in a complex and, sometimes apparently, contradictory way in contemporary conjunctures. But, at the same time, it highlights its power to conceptualize dif- ferent situations and controversies. Let us then remember what happened in another case of broad social adherence, such as the debate over the “right to abortion,” which was treated in Parlia- ment as a bill in Argentina, called the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law in 2016. The analysis is interesting because cen- ter-right and center-left appear in this case, at first glance, holding inverted positions. As expressed in the title, which supports the idea of a​ right to voluntary interruption of pregnancy, the argu- ment in favor of abortion, mainly supported by the center-left, was centered on the defense of individual freedom . On the other hand, the anti-abortionists, located to the center-right (Church, politicians, media), supported the argument of equality because they defended the right to life of the embryo, expressing that this life is worth the same as any other. However, the analysis does not end there; because it is worth remembering that the argument for the right to freedom to individually interrupt pregnancy was accompanied by another, in favor of the intervention of the public health system, based on equality. Or, in other words, to reduce the inequality in which, in abortion situations, are, on the one hand, rich and middle-class women (who attend a paid health service under hospital conditions) and, on the other, women in need, who often lose their lives due to lack of access to professionals and essential hygiene conditions. The case is interesting because it shows, on the one hand, how the center-left pole was able to grow by consistently adding more groups in the case of the Equal Marriage Law because it relied on the equality argument. And, on the other, even in a case that expressed the argument for freedom, such as the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy, it knew how to find a way to articulate it with equality. Thus, the articulation of these dimensions and the up- dating of equality and freedom values, in their new manifesta- human exception” (SCHAEFFER, 2009 [2007]) or the criticisms of the Anthro- pocene, are expanding today in the scientific literature, both within the social sciences and the sciences of nature, and acquire, according to Maristella Svampa (2018), the form of anti-capitalist narratives and ecological transition.