Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Mario Carlón 254 ful enunciators (political parties, companies, large companies). The development of algorithms that we comment on when re- ferring to Calvo’s text has been feeding different processes that, considered from the point of view of their social effects, are not homogeneous. On the one hand, there are projects based on the concept of personalization (PARISSIER, 2017 [2011]) imple- mented by corporations and of vast influence in the world of entertainment, information, and politics. The procedure ana- lyzed by Parissier, promoted by Google since 2009, then turned into the matrix of search engines and media social networks, is also the pillar on which contemporary advertising is based. The accumulation of knowledge about Internet users allows one to dream of news and advertisements tailored to each particular consumer , and this device has concentrated the interest of ad- vertisers since the fall of the historical business of mass media, which was based on notions such as audiences, rating, target, programming of consumption, and social life from production. So, in production , the logic of personalization seeks to solve, first of all, the problems posed in recognition of postmodernity for the development of individualism. It promises to solve the chal- lenge of the individual , that “social actor” who is the main re- sponsible for the acceleration of the divergence, according to Verón. In other words, it promises to make convergence a reality. It is the logic of Netflix, whose utopia is, as its CEO Red Hastings put it, to be able to recommend to everyone the movie they want to see. However, it is enough to carefully observe its operation to notice that the task is not easy 18 because always the taste of con- sumers is labile and changing, especially when the product of- fered has the complexity of a narrative and not that of a yogurt. It is difficult to believe that this new knowledge is capable of dis - solving the gap inherent in circulation, of the divergence that is activated each time the person communicating is different from the person receiving, among other reasons because the logics of 18 Here it is interesting to note that if Netflix has dedicated itself to accumulating in- formation on user consumption to offer a coefficient that, supposedly, identifies the degree of coincidence between the film and the series offered and its costs (98%, 85%, etcetera), it should not be underestimated that, in turn, it has endeavored to improve the historical categories of classification of films developed by Hollywood and the video clubs, which are the genres.