Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Among Media: The place of mediatization 267 body. This division into two halves that extends from the interior of our animal body to the hori- zon of our world is the structural moment of our existence, it is our media power. (BERQUE, 2000, p. 150-151) In this escalation of complexity lies the interactive characteristic that marks the structural activity of production of information as a distinctive ecological trait among living spe- cies in search of increasingly stable equilibrium for survival, far beyond mere adaptation. (LOGAN, 2012, p. 69). In this sense, it is possible to understand the whole process of production and organization of information as a complex path that goes beyond the simple mimetic tendency that makes all living beings prone to conform, in the case of man, as “extended mind” that expands such path and encompasses all activities which, going beyond mimesis, coordinate themselves in all other creative activities that influence language, technology, and the arts although they distinguish between material and non-material instances. As a non-material, language, technology, and arts differ from the bio- sphere and constitute the symbol sphere , where complex action extends from material to immaterial instances. However: The symbolic domain of human language and cul- ture is a product of human conceptual thought, and they represent emerging phenomena and the propagation of the organization. They differ from living organisms who populate the biosphere, in- sofar as they are abstract, conceptual and symbol- ic, not materially instantiated, except for technol- ogy. In the case of technology, it is the concepts and organization used in creating the physical tools that are emerging and propagating, not the actual physical tools. (LOGAN, 2012, p. 150-151) The material and immaterial dimensions of technol- ogy make it the holder of a complex characteristic that, as a con- sequence, influences its propagation: man-made technological programs propagate because they are created by them; however, technological devices evolve technically but they are not suscep-