Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara 272 4. A present without history McLuhan’s epigraph that initiates this work calls at- tention not only to the cultural transformations resulting from the new media but to the absorption of those media that will be as quick as the more dense the internalization of these new technological resources that bring them closer to biology. But this internalization requires a historical dimension; however il- lusory we may consider this claim at a time that seems to have overcome history by forcing us to speak in real time. However, this need to think about this history reso- nates with the volume of several theoretical voices in the pres- ent that need to get recovered; so that it is not possible to lose their measure and not transform them into another alienation. Gunther Anders (2003), in studying the mass media, especially television, seeks to understand the axiology of those media that deliver the experience of the world at home: Quale essere povero di istinti, l’ uomo, per essere al mondo, doveva esplorare il mondo sucessiva- mente, cioè: a posteriori, farne esperienza e impa- rare a conoscerlo, prima di potersi dire giunto in porto e provvisto di esperienza: la vita consisteva in un viaggio di scoperta.... Ora che il mondo viene all`uomo, che gli viene fato entrare in casa in ef- figie, tanto che egli non há bisogno di prenderne contato direto – il viaggio di scoperta e di appren- dimento è supérfluo, e, poichè quanto é supérfluo si atrofizza, è diventato impossibile. (ANDERS, 2003, p. 136) 4 This everyday self-intelligent world demands the alien- ation that constructs the narrative of belief in a stable and defini - 4 “As well as being poor with instincts, man, in order to be in the world, needed to explore the world, that is, to experience it and learn to know it a posteriori , before he could consider himself oriented and provided with experience: life it consisted of a journey of discovery ... Now that the world is ready for man and enters his home as an image, without having to have direct contact with him - the journey of discovery and learning is superfluous and since all that that atrophy is superfluous, the discovery of the world has become impossible.” (ANDERS, 2003, p. 136)