Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara 274 fying how man launches himself in the historical time from the media which are not external or ghosts but project him in the history of his technicality and allow him to recognize, in tech- nique, another face of himself. In this sense, few themes seem to be as close and demand recognition as the creature and creator not being alienated. Connected, both constitute the experience that currently invades our daily lives, our way of thinking im- pregnated with technological-digital speed. The history of the present in real time requires our epistemological attention, and, within it, we find mediatization that goes far beyond the simple, natural, and irrefutable presence of digital in the construction of the current man who, without being old-fashioned, cannot for- get his antiquity. If we consider the Second Law of Thermodynamics and its informational irreversibility, focused on the production of an increasingly entropic and insecure, but increasingly rich, knowl- edge, we are obliged to consider the technology that impreg- nates our daily lives as our reality and with which it is necessary to operate. We are not mediatized, but we are in mediatization, and, in this historical need of the present, it is essential to know how we mediatize. Mediatization is not predicated on us by mo- dernity, on the contrary, it demands to be thought of as what be- longs to us and with which we are experiencing. In this sense, the extraordinary timeliness of Simon- don’s thought leads him to conjecture about the dubious and double relationship between man and machine: La cultura se comporta con el objeto técnico como el hombre con el extranjero cuando se deja llevar por la xenofobia primitiva. El misoneismo orienta- do contra las máquinas no es tanto odio a lo nuevo como negación de la realidad ajena. Ahora bien, este extranjero todavia es humano, y la cultura completa es lo que permite descubrir al extranjero como humano. Del mismo modo, la máquina es el extranjero; el extranjero en el cual está encerra- do lo humano, desconocido, materializado, vuelto servil, pero mientras sighe siendo, sin embargo, lo humano. La mayor causa de alienación en el mun- do contemporáneo reside en este desconocimien-