Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Among Media: The place of mediatization 275 to de la máquina, que no es una alienación causa- da por la máquina, sino por el no-conocimiento de su naturaleza y de su esencia, por su ausencia del mundo de las significaciones, y por su omisi n en la tabla de valores y de conceptos que forman par- te de la cultura (SIMONDON, 2007, p. 31-32)7 As can be seen, technology and man do not act by de- fault; on the contrary, they are mutual extensions that comple- ment and complete each other in a media manner. In this sense, what we can understand by mediatization confuses with tech- nicity as an entropic but evolutionary instrument of technique and man. It is the cultural and epistemological reality of media- tization. It remains to know how it can be grasped through the experience and the epistemological and cognitive matrices at its root. 5. The political genealogy of mediatization If the internalization of technical means validates their power, the meaning of technologies in social life is not found in them, but in their consequences, just as every technical me- dium finds its meaning in the means that preceded them (MA- CLUHAN, 1969, p. 76). An intelligent mechanism of media and mediatization guides the understanding of the transformations undergone by culture and contributes to the development of knowledge built, at the same time by an epistemology of techni- cal media, that goes beyond its mere phenomenological use and creates, in counterpoint, its mediatization concept. Therefore, 7 Culture behaves with the technical object like the man with the foreigner when he lets himself be carried away by primitive xenophobia. The aversion oriented towards machines is not so much out of hatred against the new as it is a denial of the unknown reality. Well, however, that foreigner is human, and culture is what allows us to discover the foreign as human. In the same way, the machine is the foreigner, it is the foreigner in which the human, unknown, materialized, made servile is enclosed, although he remains, despite everything, human. The greatest cause of alienation in the contemporary world lies in this ignorance of the machine, but it is not an alienation caused by the machine, but by the lack of knowledge of its nature and essence, its absence in the world of meanings, and its omission in the table of values and concepts that take place in culture. (SIMONDON, 2007, p. 31-32)