Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara 276 between technical media and mediatization, an epistemologi- cal continuum establishes that makes themmonitor and control each other in a kind of realistic co-naturality. Technicity is, there- fore, this intelligent principle that causes media to interfere with mediatization while creators coordinate the use of their crea- tures. In this sense, the question remains as to how the principle that establishes links between technology and communicative mediatization is built or has been built, although each one pres- ents itself as independent, or as if the second were not, if not, a simple linear effect of the first. Although exaggeratedly predictable in the effects that may result from the different uses of the media, the concept of mediatization underlies its character, as the result of a media ac- tion, in its distinct technical deeds. However, under this action, the social, cultural, and political configurations that constitute the root of communication itself, and, consequently, of mediati- zation, are present in the archeological features of mediatization. Thus, it is impossible to think of media and their effects without observing the distinct ways of understanding how com- munication has been thought of in itsmedialogy and the complex social and cultural dimensions inherent to mediatization in their unfailing political roots which constitute the genealogical basis of communication. It is not possible to study media, medialogy, and mediatization without considering their political bases. 6. Mediatization: power and potency The political bases of mediatization are not unique but plural and irregular; that is, they can manifest themselves as a policy of planned action power as well as operative or inopera- tive potency of action, subject to the free exercise of choice and expression. Accompanying, to some extent, reflections by Agam - ben (2014, p. 311; 2018, p. 59), we observe that two political possibilities are considered: the power of action and potency of action but, if the first is necessarily constituted by an established and represented power, the second is a constituent of itself in the dynamics that identifies it as action or inaction but, in both cases, characteristics of potency and resistance. Mediatization