Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara 278 which does not hide life but reveals it in its differ- ences, which contemplate inequalities and multi- plicities. If in the naive balance of a mediative epis- temology, knowledge was safe because it was mo- nological, in the contradiction of new mediatiza- tion lies an epistemology responsible for dialogues between contradictions and mismatches. • Overcoming the humanist sophism of equalities that trivialize differences, it is necessary to note that every human action has the mark that estab- lishes the only contemporary certainty: in inequali- ties and polarities, Western civilization shows con- flicting territories and, going beyond the spectacle, needs to find another point distant from the bal - ance, but visible, so that possibilities of expression and choice that constitute the contemporary ur- gency get established. We live in unequal mediati- zation spheres, but we can choose and decide. It is the political dimension that is at the root of the me- dia technology that transforms the planet into a vil- lage, of the medialogy that we still need to produce, and, above all, of the mediatization that needs to contemplate the political dimension of epistemo- logical ethics, capable of revealing other nuances of communication as an area of knowledge. • In this policy, instead of limits, porous borders are established between territories, countries, nations, villages, and they transform global news into perfor- mative news that establishes geographical and his- torical contacts, but above all, subjective ones. In this news, the planet is porous and borders on all places in the world. Therefore, we are in communication. 7. Media, medialogy, mediatization Media, mediology, mediatization are dependent epis- temological matrices, although each one observes specific de - mands and points out changes and alternations in the investiga-