Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara 280 In other words, such technologies are at the root of the differences we can observe in contemporary media, which, with a strong political coloring, understood as the matrix of a new epistemology of communication, demand the surpassing of con- ceptual and methodological certainties that have defined, once and for all, what is understood as communication that, trans- missive, presented itself as a utilitarian instrument of power, in the use of technical media administratively manipulated. Living among media requires us to identify another informational en- vironment and the production of a provisional epistemology, but observant to the urgent medialogy differences. It is indispensable to recognize that the development of digital technologies has accelerated the relationship between communication and information and has made it possible to approach other study bases for communication, in an entropic and insecure way, but certainly more cognitively consequen- tial, which, finally, seems obliged to recognize that the politi - cal dimension is inherent to it, just as it is the matrix of culture (FLUSSER, 2014, p. 45). This political dimension considers not only the entro- pic relationship established between information and commu- nication but also the intrinsic difference between mediations and interactions, sending and receiving, receiver and audience, message communication and knowledge strategies, monolin- gual bases, and dialoguing adventures open to alterity as a com- municative possibility, although irregular and unpredictable. In this dimension, the mediatization worth studying, in contemporaneity, demands that we realize that media, medial- ogy, and mediatization are convergent and can be related, but, also and above all, that contemporary communication cannot dispense the genealogical roots that value its political bases and consider behaviors compatible with a planet in vertiginous transformation, however attentive to the construction of values, relationships, and cultural processes that favor contacts, affec- tions, multiplicities, and differences among all.