Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

José Luiz Braga 286 sultations on internet circuits. Observation that, in the circum- stances, coincides point by point with the current circulation of information received by the citizen in his daily life, reinforcing mediatization as an arena in which the clashes take place. 2. A communicational perspective The communicational perspective does not detract from different aspects of the social processes studied by the other CHS. The position only implies not accepting that com- municational processes are the epiphenomenon of any of these disciplines, a mere resource in the service of the social processes they study. Communication is a constituent part of political, so- cial, cultural events. It is relevant to study, in them, the present incidences and procedures of a communicational order - their modes and logics - aiming at the development of the perception in a transversal way to other areas. It does not imply that Communication is interdisci- plinary knowledge. It seeks to elaborate its perspectives on any social facts without ignoring their specificities and insertions. Like History, which, being able to turn to politics, culture, the arts, knowledge, literature, does so from its own perspectives , from historical knowledge, and not as if it were interdisciplinary. What we argue here is the possibility that the communication target offers a specific contribution, which is added to other bits of knowledge. To constitute the perspective of communication with which we will observe the phenomenon in question, I summa- rize here some characteristics of the interactional process that I have been elaborating on in recent articles. I consider communication (in the social environment) as the work of human differences - to enable interaction in the most diverse environment and for all types of differentiation, using ma- terial and symbolic resources; and suffering the injunctions and incidences of the technological, natural, and cultural environment that surround all human actions. It is necessary to observe, along- side idiosyncratic differences, socially constructed differences, and the circumstances in which this construction occurs.