Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

José Luiz Braga 288 in which, together, even with disagreements and different inter- pretative processes, they can elaborate something that was not ready or predicted in the interactional episode. Inferential processes, on the other hand, correspond to the need for interpretation and adjustment of the shared ele- ments to the concrete circumstance of interaction. The codes, always necessary, never adjust rigorously to the circumstances - it is necessary that the participants themselves, by personal tactics and joint strategies, elaborate this necessary step. Both components, thus, highlight the aspect of joint production of communication - through the choice and adapta- tion of the codes already available. More than just the pursuit of the participants’ own goals, the communicational process - in its multiple episodes in the context of culture - tentatively gener- ates the required codes, either by the social invention or con- stant adaptation and readjustments of what has already been given. Just as the codes always require inference - both for the articulation between non-coplanar shares and the adjustment to the specificity of the circumstance - the inferential, tentative work, in facing the urgencies and developing strategies, is what generates and stabilizes interactional codes insofar as attempts confirm its relevance. Both elements are mutually elaborated in the very practice of the communicational interaction. At the same time, we emphasize that the simplest com- municational episodes trigger a whole range of shared elements: the verbal language, gesture, the usual expressions of the par- ticipating group, the established standards relating to the imme- diate context of the issue, and, also, the means and mediations triggered, with its panoply of material and symbolic effects. We highlight there two central aspects: a) the codes, thus, triggered and the processes shared among the participants do not correspond to a con- tractual standard, they are only varied perceptions of the personal collection of memories and habits, or adherent in the activated materials. They are mul- tiple and approximate references put in common; b) this plurality of codes is not pre-adjusted as a whole - that is: there is no super code that articu-