Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

José Luiz Braga 298 After the 2014 elections, however, the party then in opposition, not conforming to the absence of alternation for another period, gave up the democratic path, triggering a polit- ical and social instability that crossed the quadrennium, lead- ing, through the electoral period, to a polarization of intoler- ance with the characteristics that we observe, conceptually, in this article. The process replaced the polarity of a democratic profile, ironically taking the party that took the initiative to break dow Th n e . economic circumstances at the base of the process have exacerbated the political polarization, which has perme- ated all spaces. It is no longer a question of opposing political projects, assumed as alternatives for conducting public referrals or defining political-economic strategies, but rather of impos- ing the strict alignment on a level treated as “worldview” but awkwardly composed of a weird aggregate of prejudices, resent- ful perspectives, anti-democratic positions, a conservatism of customs, disregard for education, absence of public policies for poverty, social inequality, and unemployment - all of this perme- ated by an attitude of social bullying capillarized as an excluding perspective to broad sectors of society. Evidently, as an organized policy in these terms would obtain very low adhesion, what aggregates people and sectors around such a program are motivations of other orders. It is in this space that the polarizing characteristics that we point out in the third item of this text come into play. Polarization is installed in situations of anomie and ready ideas. One cannot fight it as if facing a rational policy - based on counterarguments. But it is always necessary to resist the oppression of intolerance. Along with a necessary strict refusal of the obscurantism implied in the mentioned attitudes, some challenges must be faced in all social spheres to strengthen the spirit in dismantling the polarized structure - as a paralyzing process of democracy and civilizational development. The uncompromising refusal of the disqualification re - sulting from the paralyzing structure is different from just want- ing to invert the poles or intending to simply return to a status quo ante as if polarization had never existed - because then we would not have learned anything. The project to face polariza-