Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Jairo G. Ferreira 304 agency in each of these spheres, including new mental experi- ences, individually and socially. The perspective of mediatization suggests that the ma- terialization of mental experiences expands the scale of the existence of the perceived social environment, which is deter- ritorialized, at the same time that it connects, in its forms of differentiation, innovation, and social integration through the production, consumption, and circulation of this medium. In the process of engendering mental experience, the materialization of the social representation forms of the algorithm itself ampli- fies the expanded processes. There it accentuates our ability to write and register the process; thus, installing a scale expansion of the use of these rules whenever other individuals of the spe- cies are looking for identical or approximate results. If the algorithm has this positivity in culture building, why are we perplex by its existence? The hypothesis we found is that perplexity in the communication area manifests itself when the algorithms start to manage the media of interaction, content, and program in networks. However, in this case, it is no longer a question of the algorithms of culture, handmade or manufactured but of those materialized in media appropriated by the capital - in a path that passes through advanced manufac- turing and industry as appropriations of work in general (even robotics), and it arrives, with artificial intelligence and expert systems, at the taking over of knowledge of modern technical- scientific wisdom. The annoyance of the communication field comes to the fore as it becomes aware of the long and essential process of alienation, with configurations suggested by the new media, which retroact in all previous processes of appropriation by the capitalist formats. 2.1. In addition to mathematics, syllogism Some documents available on the web inform that the phrase algorithm comes from the name Abu Abdalá Mohammed ibne Muça ibne Alcuarismi , an Iranian, sage from Baghdad, math- ematician, and regular of the House of Wisdom. The algorithm, in his proposal, refers to rules that regulate the procedures to perform a mathematical operation.