Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Hypotheses about polarization, mediatization, and algorithms 305 It is less popularized that Ada Lovelace developed the founding discourse. Babbage’s friend, she inferred that the ma- chine he had developed could be ‘applied’ even to the musical score. She was the subject of controversies that even include Ada’s gender status, being characterized by some informaticists as cra- zy, by others as discriminated. She did not receive all credits in the computer field. Many prefer to credit the concept to Turing for his suggestion, made a century later. We do not express an opinion on this, but we only want to show that there are also epistemological clashes in the area of information technology, including the ap- proach to the area’s genealogy (ESSINGER, 2005). In this reflexive passage, we want to highlight the broadening of the scope of automatic operations that refer not only to those that have it as an o bject that can be modeled math- ematically - including the complex ones, like music. Here, we have found the controversy in the information technology area, which gets updated with the reflection on artificial intelligence. In Rocha Costa’s words (1986): Opening a more general perspective we can affirm that there are two types of human behavior that can be taken as models to simulate intelligence. The first type of behavior corresponds to those the human being presents when performing tasks with an algorithmic definition. Typical of this type are tasks performed by employees in organiza- tions (inventory control, payroll, etcetera) and duties with an algorithmic mathematical solution. The other type of behavior, performed by human beings during the execution of tasks, is character- ized by a high degree of subjectivity and depen- dence on the knowledge and previous experience of the subject who performs the duty. Special- ized problem solving, text comprehension, image analysis, etcetera are examples of tasks with these characteristics. One can perceive that the simula- tion of this type of behavior is, par excellence, the scope of contemporary AI (COSTA, 1986, p. 22). However, the same author converges with the general proposition that information builds when he states that “it is