Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Jairo G. Ferreira 308 may ask whether algorithms classified as genetic or flocking, ac - cording to Kishimoto (2004), are also syllogistic. There are indi- cations in the documents that yes, as this sequence shows: If there is a bone nearby and the dog is hungry, it will eat it; If the dog is hungry, but there is no bone nearby, he looks for one; If the dog is not hungry, but is sleepy, he will sleep; If the dog is not hun- gry and is not sleepy, the dog will walk and bark (Kishimoto, 2004, p. 6). It should all be well researched. Assuredly, it is nec- essary to investigate the underlying logics, which may require dialogues, in cooperative research, with researchers in the field of information technology. One of the examples we mentioned, to end this section, on appropriations of social algorithms has, as its object, the interactions - not necessarily human. Animal interaction is studied as an object of the configuration of dia - grams, flows, and inferences. For instance, according to Serapião (2009): Swarm Intelligence, also referred to as Colony Intelligence or Collective Intelligence, is a set of techniques based on the collective behavior of self-organized, distributed, autonomous, flexible, and dynamic systems. These systems are formed by a population of simple computations with the ability to perceive and modify their environment locally. This ability makes it possible for the agents to communicate, which captures the changes in the environment generated by the behavior of their counterparts. Although there is not a central- ized control structure that establishes how agents should behave, and even if there is not an explicit model of the environment, local interactions be- tween agents generally lead to the emergence of global behavior that is similar to solving the prob- lem. The main properties of a swarm intelligence system are (Millonas, 1994): • Proximity - agents must be able to interact; • Quality - agents must be able to assess their behavior; • Diversity - it allows