Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Hypotheses about polarization, mediatization, and algorithms 311 strategies that transform a problem into a potential solution. In execution, they range from formulas for creating content (such as games), setting schedules (such as Netflix), managing digi- tal networks (such as Instagram and Facebook), which provide feedback on content indexing processes, to the interposition in interactions between content and users or products and their consumers. 2.2. In addition to syllogism, abduction This formulation focuses on a question of method: there, the algorithm refers to a deduction based on known and sufficient rules for solving a problem; artificial intelligence, in contrast, refers to problems with no known solution (what de- mands abduction). This formulation should be considered. The difficulty is broader: does mental experience come down to log- ic? What are the limits of mediatization, from the perspective of the materialization of this experience? This relationship can integrate the modus ponens , the “if ... then” relationship, but also abduction. This syllogistic rela- tionship would make it possible to formalize, to some extent (the measure of logic), the practical know-how of cultural algorithms. Such proposition suggests moving from the solution based on mathematical logic stricto sensu to symbolic logic, or new logics being produced, but also thinking about inference beyond logic. 3. Algorithms and interactions 3 The lag (or the difference and the strangeness) of meaning in the communication processes is, above all, due to the different ways in which the sign is activated in the commu- nication processes. It is the proposition of communication and semiotic models developed from Peirce. We argue this to think about circulation from a semiotic-media perspective. We start from the schemes of Elisabeth Walther Bense (2000), who also 3 This issue was addressed in FERREIRA, Jairo. A pólis que se faz em processos midiáticos: proposiç es sobre a política na perspectiva da midiatização. In: JE- SUS, Eduardo; TRINDADE, Eneus; JANOTTI JR., Jeder; ROXO, Marcos (Eds.). Re- invenção comunicacional da política: modos de habitar e desabitar o século XXI. Salvador: Livro Compós 2016 - UFBA, 2016. v. 1, p. 65-84.