Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Hypotheses about polarization, mediatization, and algorithms 313 (three) possible schemes that locate the place of the interpre- tant in the interlocutions, analyzed as a symbolic constitution in the interactions between an emitter (E) and a receiver (R): an interpretant (which, in our formulation, can consolidate posi- tions of an institution or actor, individual or collective) activates an iconic representation; an interpretant (institution or actor, individual or collective) triggers an indexical representation; an interpretant (institution or actor, individual or collective) acti- vates a symbolic representation. There are three semiotic opera- tions in media interactions. The schematics indicate processes. There will not always be symbolic consolidation, because the repertoires of the interactants are differentiated, that is, the se- miotic context of the interlocutors, in the situation of emitters, receivers, or interactants, is differentiated, which will provide different degrees of inferences about the operations carried out by producers or interactants. The lag means: semiosis is faced, when using and at- tempting to appropriate the means, with the paraphernalia of objects (technologies, techniques, language, discourses, people, interactions, etcetera). That is, one of the characteristics of the new media is the proliferation of media and unknown objects, which favors the activation of semiosis in a disruptive process, in non-linear processes. Semiosis , in this perspective, is a disruptive process that puts historically and socially stabilized discursive interac- tions in check as practices ( habitus ). However, in digital networks, this recognition is blurred by the entry of individual actors in the scene, who start, thus, to record in circuits in which they lead and antagonize, activating new environments and circulation processes. De-institutional- ization, derived from semiotic disruption, thus, can be seen as another major process of transformation of the polis . Postmod- ernists have placed this as a cultural issue. We place it as inher- ent in mediatization processes. We disagree, however, that frag- mentation due to disruption is the only possible process. Dis- ruption refers to a process in which the systems in interaction are in crisis: indicating the failure of the regulatory processes or the difficulty in finding (through individual and collective ab - ductions) new solutions.