Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Jairo G. Ferreira 314 3.1 The difference (or the inevitable) lag However, in our formulation, semiosis is an abstract object if we do not consider algorithmic mediation. When two individuals, actors, and institutions interact, there is a multiplic- ity of syllogistic and abductive inferences, which put imagery, index, and the symbolic into play. It refers not only to the rela- tionship of each individual with another but to how it is situated in the interaction with institutions and objects from these insti- tutions (example: the interactions of individuals with the finan - cial markets are not a relationship between individuals that can be thought of concretely without considering interactions with objects in these markets: money, goods, prices, etcetera). There, a ‘dialectic’ is established between the interactions between in- dividuals and objects, in which individuals are often situated as objects. It is the mental algorithms that agency the semiotic ac- tivations (at different levels). That is, the displacements of what we call an icon, indexes, and symbols proliferate according to the cognitive operations, here located as syllogistic and abduc- tive, of the individuals in interaction, those with the institutions and the objects of pertinence (and impertinence). In this per- spective, there is no semiosis without algorithmic mediation. As this mediation incorporates social values, there is an interposi- tion of social mediations (psychological, anthropological, socio- logical, and linguistic), which can be investigated correlatively to the contexts in which interactions occur (economic, cultural, and political markets). 4. Polarizations and algorithms: The urgency of abductive processes From the interfaces above, we can suggest a hypothesis for the issue of polarization and mediatization. The polarization in interactions, in this perspective, is a derivative of a crisis in the systems, in their regulatory configu - rations, which can lead to disruptions or adaptations. The basis of this polarization is in the contact (connection) that gives rise