Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Hypotheses about polarization, mediatization, and algorithms 315 to new times and spaces of interaction, where, as we try to il- lustrate below, the mediation of material algorithms constitutes an agency of new processes. As we argued above, they are mate- rializations of the culture’s algorithms. But this materialization is not horizontal: there are appropriations of the algorithms of nature, especially of organic life, including those of the species, as syllogisms. Hypothetically: the very materialization of social algorithms reconfigures the relationships between actors, insti - tutions, and their objects. Let us consider, in this perspective, three random mo- ments to think about this reconfiguration of times and spaces. The first is the Vale do Javari Indigenous Land 4 . In this space, 26 different peoples live, with a population of approxi- mately 6 thousand people. They are characterized as isolated. It would be necessary to see, in detail, how much isolation occurs. There are reports that, when they interact, there are conflicts between these peoples. They are tribes, in the sense of clan- type family relationships, unquestionably marked by ancestry, without the constitution of states and nations. An anthropologi- cal study would easily reveal the complexity of its cultural algo- rithms in the interactions between individuals from these tribes. The absence of material mediations between these tribes dif- ferentiates them, for instance, from the Incas, in which various tribes were gathered around practices, symbolics, and cultural forms - including inferential logics and capacities that constitut- ed the space and time of the Inca Empire, as a State and Nation. It is known that this constitution is not necessarily emancipa- tory or happy. States and nations establish classificatory, domi - nation, and power relations. The second moment is the stock exchange until the be- ginning of this century. The image of a ‘trading floor’ is still alive for many 5 : 4 Retrieved from: 5 Retrieved from: