Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Jairo G. Ferreira 316 Image 1: Image of the trading sessions of the last century Retrieved from: Economia . This tribe, that of stock tra ders (cal led investors by some or speculators by others), according to some parameters, is different from the isolated tribes. The financial market, especially in the form of a stock exchange, is considered the meeting place of several tribes (including actors linked to different institutions in the economic markets - branches, fractions, sectors, including the state-owned companies that operate there). The stock ex- change forms a complex system, in which mental algorithms and abductions of stock traders are articulated with different mate- rial algorithms (from accounting to economic, to normative, and prescriptive, etcetera). The strong strains between merchants are mitigated by the logics of the system that regulates each other, including innovation processes, resulting from abductions and power relations, in which the system adapts, in the resolution of conflicts that emerge in interactions. It has never been like this in the stock and economic objects markets. It is not always so. From pirates to trade wars, the polarizations in economic markets have a history that is confused with the reconfiguration of times, spac- es, and connections between different tribes, states, and nations. In this century, a great change occurs in the Boves- pa stock exchange 6 : 6 Bovespa is not the only stock exchange in Brazil. But today, it centralizes the stock market.