Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Hypotheses about polarization, mediatization, and algorithms 319 the object of several investigations in the field of communication, is: how do algorithmic mediations influence interactions? If we consider the characteristics of the economic and cultural mar- kets, the algorithmic mediation in these markets is not enough to mitigate the polarizations since the non-interchangeable values are accentuated, due to the reconfiguration of times and spaces of the new connections. The question then arises: what rules are these in the cultural markets (in the manner of Bourdieu’s ques- tion, when tackling the rules of the literary field and art)? What system is being configured? The same question is asked about po - litical markets: which market is this that emerges from indexed, networked interactions, managed by material algorithms? In other words, the logics are still under construction and are not sufficient, in their syllogisms and abductions, to overcome situations in which the poles in interaction overcome the antagonisms that lead to fierce conflict, including the death of one or more of the previous systems involved, integrated into expanded tentative systems. In both markets, the “law” seems to be that whenever individuals, actors, and institutions try to impose a/their logic, in interactions, there is either domination or antagonism, and it can result in polarizations. Abduction is required to establish a new interaction reference system. And the art of doing it is its greatest form in culture. References BRETON, P. A história da informática . Campinas: Unesp, 1991. BOURDIEU, P. La distinción: criterio y bases sociales del gusto. Madrid: Taurus. 2016.COSTA, A. C. R. Para uma revisão epistemológica da in- teligência artificial, RP, Porto Alegre: UFRGS – CPGCC, n. 54, p. 22, 1986. ESSINGER, J. El algoritmo de Ada . Barcelona: Editorial Abal, 2005. FERREIRA, J. Meios, dispositivos e médium: genealogia e prospecç es na perspectiva da midiatização. In: FER- REIRA, J.; ROSA, A. P.; BRAGA, J. L.; FAUSTO NETO, A.;