Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Hypotheses about polarization, mediatization, and algorithms 325 category). She works as a professor-researcher (category V of the Incentive Program) at Universidad Nacional de Rosario and at the Inter-American Open University, she is a Member of the Academic Committee of the Centro de Investigaciones en Mediatizaciones (CIM), and a Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “ La Tra- ma de la comunicación.” ORCID: 7217-8754. E-mail: . Stefan Bratosin Professor at Université Paul Valéry Montpellier (France). He has experience in the field of Sociology, with an emphasis on the Sociology of Communication and Information Technologies. He works mainly on the following themes: media and religion, pub- lic sphere, religious institutions, epistemology, and atheism. He is associated with the group of researchers from the Institute for Advanced Religious Studies and Communications Internetwork- ing (IARSIC), which aims to facilitate interdisciplinary studies in theology, philosophy, and communication in the context of hu- manity’s cultural changes. He is the editor of Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies. ORCID: 0003-4592-8964. E-mail: Mihaela-Alexandra Tudor Master of conference qualified to research Information and Communication Sciences, responsible for the Communication and Social Transformation axis at CORHIS, at the Information and Communication Department of the University Paul Valéry de Montpellier. She has about 70 articles published in scientific journals and two dozen books organized and published. Since 2014, she has been co-responsible for the ERASMUS + agree- ment between the Paul Valéry University, the Polytechnic Uni- versity Timisoara, and the Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania. ORCID: E- mail: Ada C. M chado da Silveira Full Professor at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. CNPq re- searcher. Graduated in Social Communication Journalism from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1982), she is Magister en Periodisme i Ciències de la Comunicació - Universitat Autònoma