Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Mediatization, interactions and education: a classroom-grounded sketch 43 As Evangelina Margiolakis (2011, p. 158) says, “many teachers in communication propose that the distinction of teaching this theme is the possibility, more than in any other field, to work with the previous knowledge of the students.” And completes (2011, p. 160): “if everyday knowledge is not critically analyzed, it can operate as a barrier to problematization.” It is necessary to take into account that the classroom space, even when completely devoid of any digital artifact, is part of this environment. Natalia Anselmino (2010, p. 52) indi- cates that “the analysis of mediatized discourses requires a the- oretical-methodological model which allows explaining the pro- cess of meaning that takes place in the activities of an individual subject, but from collective organisms much more complex.” It is not the prominent presence of technological devices that char- acterizes a digital environment, but the constant articulation of social practices with the mediations provided by technical de- vices. “If communicating is sharing the meaning,” says Martín- Barbero (2003, p. 79), “education would, then, be the decisive place for its intersection.” 4. Mediatization and the articulation of knowledge The concept of mediatization has been worked on by several authors who seek to situate the connection between media and social practices, insofar as it is not possible to sepa- rate one from the other, as indicated, among others, by Sodré (2004), Gomes, Ferreira, Braga, and Fausto Neto (2008), Hjar- vard (2008), Couldry (2008), Livingstone (2009), Rosa (2009), Hepp (2014), Gomes (2018), or Martino (2019a; 2019b). It is not a matter of thinking from a dichotomy between “media” and “society” but understanding social practices in their articulation with the media environment - the notion of “environment,” here, derives from Meyrowitz (1993; 1995; 2000). As a starting point, retrieving an earlier argument (MARTINO, 2019), mediatization can be understood as the ar- ticulation between the media environment and social practices. On the one hand, social practices, constituted by the interactions