Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Mediatization, interactions and education: a classroom-grounded sketch 47 of using digital devices in the classroom, but of rethinking the “class” and “classroom” models for people trained in a digital environment, accustomed to its language. Onians (2008), for ex- ample, mentions how the cognitive processes, per se, are altered in the interaction with practices and languages. The brain, he argues, in its neuroplasticity, is permeable to the practices and aesthetics of perception. As Ana Paula Rosa (2009, p. 3) recalls, “the mediatized society arises when the means become not merely a form of in- termediation, of a connection between the experienced (real) and the represented, but when the media start to become a com- municative agent that generates and creates actions that affect the life of the citizen.” Evidently, as Flusser (1966) recalls, it is not a matter of adapting content for media languages but remembering that learning goes through these languages. And this can be, he con- tinues, a challenge or a starting point for the re-elaboration of educational perspectives - something always contemporary. References ANSELMINO, N. R. Discurso y mediatización: para un análisis no-intencional de las estrategias discursivas. In: FAUSTO NETO, A.; VALDETTARO, S. Mediatización, sociedad y sen- tido. Rosario: Universidad de Rosario, 2010. p. 36-55. ARISTÓTELES. Ética a Eudemo . São Paulo: Edipro, 2011. ARISTÓTELES. Metafísica . São Paulo: Edipro, 2016. BOURDIEU, P. Questões de sociologia . Rio de Janeiro: Marco Zero, 1983. BRAGA, J. L.; CALAZANS, R. Comunicação e educação . São Paulo: Hackers, 2001. BRAGA, J. L. Experiência estética e midiatização. In: LEAL, B. S.; GUIMARÃES, C.; MENDONÇA, C. Entre o sensível e o co- municacional . Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2010. p. 76-85. COULDRY, N. Mediatization or Mediation? Alternative Under- standings of the Emergence of Digital Storytelling. New Media and Society , v. 10, n. 3, p. 373-379, 2008.