Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Tiago Quiroga 62 to the basic employee: everyone must submit to the principle of accountability , that is, the need to be accountable and to be evaluated according to the results obtained” (DARDOT; LAVAL, 2016, p. 201). The difference is the naturalization of the idea that “systems of coercion, both economic and social [...] [must] compel individuals to govern themselves under the pressure of competition, according to the principles of maximizing calcu- lation and logic capital appreciation” (ibid., p. 193). To a large extent, such naturalization is produced by the current devices of power that add to the historical matrices of duty or obliga- tion those of power (AGAMBEN, 2014). In other words, in the culture of generalized entrepreneurship, “power [would not be exercised] as pure coercion on a body; [but would start to] ac- company the individual desire and guide it” (ibid., p. 216). In this case, the enthronement of competition and the conduct of wage earners would occur less through external constraints and more through “management by goals, performance evaluation, and self-control” (ibid., p. 228) in which are inserted “motivation, the desire to do better, not to settle, the aspiration to individual fulfillment” as decisive factors of employability (DRUCKER apud ibid., p. 22 F 8 ro ) m . then on, we talk about free subjection. As if the individual in the scope of production no longer meets external factors, but the continuous improvement of himself (DARDOT; LAVAL, 2016), which makes his behavior the factor capable of leading him to hit goals and have his performance recognized. As a result, a whole socio-economic complexity is reduced to “orga- nizational problems, and they are reduced to [...] psychological problems related to an insufficient mastery of oneself and the relationship with others” (ibid., p. 345). Therefore, freedom and performance are equated, causing individuals to be left to their drives as a sieve of productivity. In the transition to the new dis- ciplining of financial capital, the share value of each organization demands “management accounting and assessment techniques [which make] each employee a kind of 'individual profit center'” (ibid., p. 226). Hence, the central condition of behavior in the current economic sphere. In the new velvet-like violence of finan - cial capital, “the source of effectiveness is on the individual: it can no longer come from an external authority. It is necessary to