Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Mediatization and virtuality in human sciences: An announced crossroads 63 do intrapsychic work to seek deep motivation. The boss can no longer impose: he must watch, strengthen, support motivation” (ibid., p. 345). In short, it would be as if institutions were limited to psychological processes, and individuals were the only ones to answer for the risks of their destiny. Only of their willpower and motivation would depend on their ability to be successful, on which the maxim that, from then on, “we have to know and love each other to be successful. Hence the emphasis on the magic word: self-esteem, the key to all success” (ibid., p. 345). In short, behavioral logics not only insert the ethos of self-worth (DARDOT; LAVAL, 2016) at the center of the produc- tion process, but they establish the image as a presupposition of the new social propaganda, as Baudrillard (1991, p. 76) reminds us, making events no longer make so much sense “not because they would be insignificant in themselves, but because they would have been preceded by models (simulacra) with which their process do nothing more than coincide.” Otherwise, in So- dré’s words (2014, p. 81), as in “psychoanalysis [...] [when] the code receives the name of signifier and it, in turn, preceding the meaning, submits the subject”, there is now the apriorism of the image which, subjecting consciousness, becomes “the support of phenomena or statements.” According to Baudrillard (1991), therefore, among the developments of the occasion when “the subject as a support for phenomena or statements gives way to code” (SODRÉ, 2014, p. 81), there is the shape of images as a kind of pure judgment whose effect points out to the vertiginous increase of our “nihilistic passion for how the real disappears” (BAUDRILLARD, 1991, p. 197). Taken by the intensification of widespread sensorialism, a mark of contemporary hyper-real- ism, when our sensory perceptions become more real than the real itself - that’s why we started to demand more sensations to give our things a higher sense of reality - giving the disappear- ance of the real in its different ways. Now, the present scenario points to a profound trans- formation of reflective culture. In the context of the most recent visibility regimes, the ideals of knowledge are then guided by intellectual managerialism (GOULEJAC, 2007), now legitimized by the links of competition and performance, as new universal metrics. Strictly speaking, anchored in the logics of the I as a syn-