Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Tiago Quiroga 64 onym for organizational effectiveness, we passionately launch ourselves into scientific production in which “the social genesis of problems, the real situations, in which science is employed, and the ends pursued in its application, are considered external by it” (HORKHEIMER, 1975, p. 163). With this, a kind of trans- parent obscurantism is inaugurated, paradoxically founded on scientific-technological procedures, which blind us to common destinations, as they adopt both real time and the ideal of the image as principles of free subjection. In fact, in both, we would have the management of behavior on the basis of new and re- fined forms of violence, in which the reflexive activity, unthink - ingly glued to the logics of war, voluntarily engenders the self- reproduction of capital itself. 6. The question of the virtuality of time in the humanities Now, from the epistemological perspective, among the effects of the experience of knowledge reduced to the notion of image and time as availability, we would have its closure to the principle of the exteriority of time itself, which, necessarily atop- ic, would have fed several emancipatory projects. Guided by the speed in the general calculation of the occurrences, a wide range of knowledge would today remain “devoid of the negativity of atopy” (HAN, 2014b, p. 54) of the time itself. In other words, we would live the difficulty of recognizing the presence of a becom - ing without place, an ascending force (ibid., 2014b), embedded in the immanence of time. Unlike the imaginative intelligibility based on ethics and politics, as well as founded on the effective historical situations, we would move on to the ideal of knowl- edge based on the “positivity of a state of affairs”, in which both the recovery of the past and the accessibility of the future be- come performed indifferently to the experience of the present time (HAN, 2015, p. 76). Such questioning seems to be justified if we remember that, at least as a modern heritage, the pres- ent was a type of decisive virtuality for epistemological produc- tion, especially in its connection with different social conquests, among them democracy itself. Here, it is worth remembering