Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Mediatization, society, and meaning: Transversal concepts 81 whenever a new terrorist attack occurs, we are referred to that image and situation. According to the author, the totem image resists, overcoming even the controversial spaces generated, which implies that this image becomes a structuring structure or, in Bourdieu’s words, a symbolic power. Thus, what calls attention, when it comes to the me- diatization of images, is that, at first, they are approximations of the event, considering, here, representations of the reference data. In a second phase, images already put into circulation on journalistic devices become syntheses because they were previ- ously chosen, according to the logic of the media field that un - folds deep structures of the social (need for belonging), to ac- quire such visibility. In a third stage, that of recognition, they are again organized according to tactical rules specific to the social sphere, which does not mean a contract but involves previous short-term structures, configured in distribution and circula- tion, as the symbols transcend the scope of the phenomena of individual conscience. That is, the symbol is built at play, not by either player. In other words, the symbol that circulates in newspapers, magazines, websites, and blogs is the result of in- teractions. The notion of valuing coming from journalistic insti- tutions is because they are the ones that support the images to be placed in distribution and circulation, even when directly im- pacted and affected by other spheres of mediatization 25 . In conclusion, Rosa states: Totem images are self-referential images pro- duced in circulation, as they only exist in this pro- cess, mobilizing the Freudian triad of memory, repetition, and working through in potency. The first concerns the effective recall of the event - or trauma, in the case of psychoanalysis; the second, a way of not remembering, that is, a kind of im- pediment to remembering. Working through, on the other hand, configures as a reconciliation with the repressed, therefore, it is to remember to work t rough or elaborate again. 26 . 25 Cf. ibidem, p. 42. 26 Ibidem.