Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Pedro Gilberto Gomes 82 3.5. Ambiance The concept of ambiance occupies Pedro Gilberto Gomes 27 ’ thoughts and research. The extreme expansion of digi- tal technologies is demanding that the society in the process of mediatization be considered as the creation of an ambiance that changes the way of being in the world for people and institu- tions 28 . The concept of ambiance is considered transversal, as it goes beyond the limits of different singular environments to en- roll in a larger space that expresses the complexity of the system. An approach that seeks to understand the reality of society in process of mediatization must necessarily address it from tangible realities, accessible via studies of individual means but surpassed in its uniqueness by transversal concepts that, empirically, materialize mediatization in the current society. 3.6. Some themes from Europe Other themes come from the group of researchers from Europe. One concerns the relationship between mediatization and global changes. What is the relationship between the phe- nomenon of mediatization and the changes taking place in the world? The perspective of history is another important theme. It contemplates the phenomenon of mediatization in its histori- cal development. Then, there is the issue of media in society: the rela- tionship of movement and interaction, power, media, and poli- tics, and more specific themes, such as art and the popular, faith and knowledge, and the issue of being. These approaches are transversal to the study of media and mediatization. References BARBERO, Jesús. Dos meios às mediações . Rio de Janeiro: Editora da UFRJ, 1997. 27 Like the previous four, a researcher of the same Program and Research Line. 28 Our latest research and productions work extensively on the issue of mediati- zation and its relationship with the creation of a new ambiance, as can be seen through the works listed in our Curriculum Lattes.