Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

André Lemos 90 informal rules) and the allocation of interactive resources within a social institution or cultural sphere in particular (HJARVARD, 2015, p. 53-54). Assuredly, what the authors identify as “transforming importance of the media” or “structure of the modus operandi of the media” is a provisional result and is always being questioned in different ways of radical mediation. Couldry and Hepp (2016) and Pink (2015) point out the need for a non-representational perspective, that is, not centered on the media ( non-media-cen- tric ), recognizing the need to emphasize material and sensory aspects of media practices. However, studies are not effective- ly materialistic, characterizing what we will point out later as object-washing . Many studies reduce, as stated by Finnemann (2013, p. 298), the material discussion to the issue of technol- ogy . Others propose to combine mediatization with a more ma- terialist perspective. Knorr-Cetina (2013, p. 41-41; 49) sustains, in the analysis of the scopic media of financial market operators, a synthetic position, attentive to how actions take root in prac- tices, spaces, and objects, going beyond (better to say, below) the infrastructures. Media communication processes assuredly lead to structuring processes (mediatization). The interesting in the neomaterialist perspective is to slowly reach them, developing local and immanent analysis that points out the agencies in ac- tion. In the case of digital culture, analyze phenomena such as sociability in social networks, fake news, the practice of selfie, the issue of design and privacy in the Internet of things (In- ternet of Things, IoT), the culture of platforms, starting from of a macrosocial analysis of the economic structure of data capitalism, or from the perspective of communication between humans in a specific situation, would offer little clarity on the current communication challenges, as it would not take into account the materialities and agency of the objects involved there (interfaces, algorithmic logic, database construction, principles hidden in technical documents and patents, etcet- era). Who is posting when we post on Facebook? To think, in this case, of an independent and sovereign human agency is to invest in a rude error.