Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

André Lemos 94 that focus on the concreteness of real-world phenomena should be avoided. There is no real world, except for concepts. Object-Washing : Texts that claim to recognize the agen- cy of objects but do not do so in detail. They say they identify agency but jump quickly to contexts. They can recognize and af- firm the use of WhatsApp to spread fake news, but there is not an analysis on how the materiality of WhatsApp, network, cell phones produces this phenomenon. The object is like that. The expression is similar to eco-washing , ethic l-washi g (KITCHIN, 2019), privacy-washing 7 , designating the positions of companies that seem to consider related problems (environment, ethics, privacy), but that, indeed, do not lead them seriously. Studies that do object-washing deny being anthropocentric, claim to rec- ognize the formation of hybrids, dispositifs (like Foucault), tech- nologies, but they focus on the subject, structure, hermeneutics, social and cultural contexts in the media environment. Panopticon: Texts that see everything with the same eyes, stuck in the classic communication theories, centered on canonical authors, framing all objects in pre-established and non-negotiable frames. Everything is explained without the need to recognize the agency of objects or materialities involved. The pre-established theories serve to analyze any empirical study, regardless of the controversies in question (they aggre- gate types Maia and Object-Washing). Ouroboros: The texts of great transcendence that sound to start with broad conclusions about the world, the universe, and everything else. Without any empiricism or non-human agency, it seems that they are starting a debate, but what they do is rotate on their axes, biting their tail, turning around themes and subjects, jumping from the micro to the macro-dimension, and vice-versa (reinforcing Maia, Object-Washing, and Panopti- con types A ). methodology that aims to treat the object by the neo- materialist assumption must seek to recognize, in a given dis- pute, the flow of radical mediations (that is, the agency of hu- mans and non-humans without a priori centrality), producing 7 This expression is being used in research on projected privacy and malicious interfaces (dark patterns) under development at Lab404.