Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Epistemology of communication, neomaterialism, and digital culture 95 localized and provisional results. The modes of existence are relevant to qualify the mediation, pointing out the differences in the “ age cements ,” affectations, and preposition (the specific place of the mediation) in producing the well speaking, the con- ditions of happiness. It is possible to analyze the social networks problem through bias of gender, privacy, surveillance, intersub- jective relationships, etcetera. For each mode, important media- tors will appear. It is significant as a step in closing the black box, reorganizing the problem, and indicating propositions about the dispute in question. This result will be added to the controversy itself, serving as an element in the dispute over the problem. These are the steps we propose: 1. to recognize the mode, preposition, controversy; 2. to identify all the actors in- volved and how they express themselves (interfaces, documents, patents, forms of action, etcetera); 3. to map the forms of media- tion or transduction, understanding that actions, meanings, and forces are produced; 4. to regroup the problem by creating an- other element that can be instituted in the construction of truth. The instruments for carrying out these steps can be the most varied: data collection (Survey); data scraping (R); focused cod- ing (Atlas.ti); ethnography; interviews; analysis of documents (patents, flowcharts, contracts, terms of use, etcetera); focus group; interface analysis; bibliographic review, etcetera. Con- troversies may call for other methods or even the production of specific tools. In particular terms, we can summarize these four steps: Modes: It is where the question of interest, the preposi- tion to produce a good speech, and the conditions of happiness of analysis is inserted. It seeks to identify in which field of strain the problem is surpassing a contextual, constructivist, or herme- neutic vision. Inventory: Description of the network of objects (hu- man and non-human) concerned in the issue to be discussed. Transduction: Description of the mediations at play in the agency for the phenomenon production. It aims at open- ing black-boxes to identify what things are done of, do, and make-to-do. Regrouping: Return to the fitting, the provisional re - sult (which will be a concrete material element of new media-