Mediatization, polarization, and intolerance (between environments, media, and circulation)

Epistemology of communication, neomaterialism, and digital culture 97 understanding of privacy in the middle of the PDPA 9 , having as debate the material processes of its constitution; the use of the material and algorithmic appropriations for the use of IoT; gen- der issues in transportation applications; the materiality of the wearable devices in the configuration of a smart body; the ma - terial discussion about Data Comics, questioning its status and uses, etcetera. The methodology needs to be tested, and we hope that this text can contribute to broadening the debates on mate- rial and non-human changes in the studies of the communica- tion area in the country. References BARAD, K. Meeting the Universe halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Durham, Lon- don: Duke University Press, 2007. BENNETT, J. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Dur - ham, London: Duke University Press, 2010. BENNETT, T.; JOYCE, P. (Ed.). Material Powers: Cultural Studies, History and the Material Turn. London: Routledge, 2010. BENSUSAN, H.; FREITAS, J. A. A diáspora da agência: Ensaio so- bre o horizonte das monadologias. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2018. BRAIDOTTI, R. The Posthuman . Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013. BUCHER, T. If… Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. CALLON, M. Sociologie de l’acteur réseau. In : AKRICH, M.; CAL- LON, M.; LATOUR, B. (Eds.). Sociologie de la Traduction . Paris: Presse des Mines, 2006. p. 267-276. COULDRY, N. Mediatization or Mediation? Alternative Under- standings of the Emergent Space of Digital Storytelling. New Media & Society , v. 10, n. 3, p. 373-391, 1 jun. 2008. COULDRY, N.; HEPP, A. The Mediated Construction of Reality . Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016. 9 PDPA, acronym for “Platformatization, Datafication and Algorithmic Performa - tivity”, central features of digital culture today. See Lemos (2019a).