Midiatização, polarização e intolerância (entre ambientes, meios e circulações)

Ana Paula da Rosa 188 “não passível de luto” (BUTLER, 2017), propomo-nos a discutir a imagem em circulação e sua incidência na memória a partir da temática do poder e da morte, na perspectiva da condição de visibilidade, entendendo que, ante a midiatização de conflitos (HJARVARD; MORTENSEN, 2015), novas dinâmicas se fundam e se reatualizam, inclusive as que dizem respeito à fabulação humana. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Midiatização. Imagem. Circulação. ABSTRACT: This work adopts as its starting point the assump- tion that media images carry previous images, fruit of dis- courses and other temporalities, but that become present as shadows in our current productions. Based on this consider- ation, this article proposes to analyze two dynamics of conflict, understood here as dynamics of mediatization, which are quite different in terms of process and logic, but which involve com- mon elements: a) media images and imaginary; b) broad cir- culation; c) social actors and media institutions and, finally, d) the logic of image management in terms of control/power. Our gaze falls, precisely, on the agency logic of image in terms of power, considering that our empirical object is constituted by two events separated in time and space, but united by the pres- ence of the child as a victim, by forms of intolerance and as- pects of incivility evidenced in interactive games, including the right to visibility. As an image that shatters the eye, we sum- mon the photograph of Aylan Kurdi. In analogy, we deal with the image of “memory shattering”, bringing to the scene the photograph of the boy Marcos Vinicius, a student murdered at favela da Maré in Rio de Janeiro, in 2018. Among the loneliness of the dying (ELIAS, 2001), the life that does not deserve to live (AGAMBEN, 2010), and the “ungrievable life” (BUTLER, 2017), we propose to discuss the image in circulation and its impact on memory based on the theme of power and death, from the perspective of the condition of visibility, understanding that, given the mediatization of conflicts (HJARVARD, MORTENSEN, 2015), new dynamics are founded and updated, including those related to human fabulation. KEYWORDS: Mediatization. Image. Circulation.